The use of Software and Hardware

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 Jewel Angela E. Velasco MC-31


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With the use of software and hardware, everything turns to an easy access to everything we want to do.

 The software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer, the applications, websites or programs we use on our mobile phone or laptop are software. and hardware the invariable part, or in short it is the physical aspects of computer and other related devices.


Chrome Cleanup Tool-It helps me to keep safe my desktop to any suspicious program and it can secure my files to getting unwanted programs to crash my files, documents or other downloadable things in the computer.

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DropBox– This software is useful for backup files it can secure my files in getting viruses and back up my photos and documents automatically from my phone and desktop and get to all my files anywhere I want.

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GMAIL-This software is very amusing when sending emails to anyone, this kind of application that I quite often use helps me to get easily in touched to my assignments and activities. It also works for updating any bills in Meralco, Pldt or other companies.

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Microsoft Office– Microsoft office is very useful, especially in school works. When I need to make a report there’s a Microsoft presentation that I can use, if i need to do an assignments, thesis or activity there’s a Microsoft word that i can also use, in making a newspaper or magazine we can use the publisher. This kind of software is very important in our daily lives especially to a student like me.

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Google – I always use this kind of software, i want to understand some things that i didn’t easily get or search some poems, ideas on my assignment, get some picture and google some place i want to know where exactly it is.Google is the most useful searching sites in the whole universe because some works we search on this sites gives us a satisfying answer. 

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Flashdrive – A very useful device that could store our important files, like a thesis, paper works, projects, assignments, activity, etc. it can also transfer data to the computer, these handy pocket-size drives are needed especially to a student like me.

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Laptop/Computer- In this generation most of the teenager need this device,  laptop or computer for typing documents we need, we also listen to music on youtube or to watch the movie in movie sites, we also make our assignments or edit picture and films. By the use of this device, we can do many things that will satisfy us. We can also communicate to our relatives, friends or classmates, multi-tasking will do when we use laptop/computer like while typing our assignments we can also listen to music.

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Printer – The function of a printer is to turn digital data into printed media. This could be text, or it could be graphic output. Students often use this device because most of them are doing a paper works that need in their school. it is very efficient to use because before we know that we can only pass our assignment by writing it but now in the easiest way we can print out that digital data we want to turn it into printed media.

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DSLR Camera – For me, as a mass comm student, this camera is very useful. In my course, i need to capture things that connected to my courses like doing 20 elements in capturing things or person. This camera is also used for interviewing some personalities in media or capturing things I’ve done as a student. I can also use this camera for recording an especial event or for covering news.

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Projector – Many teachers find chalkboards to be almost a thing of the past with the advent of projectors in the classroom. Rather than writing notes across a board, teachers can make use of PowerPoint presentations, images and even film as teaching tools through the use of projectors. Consequently, teachers and students alike find projectors to be useful classroom devices.

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