Worth of ICT to us

Jewel Angela E. Velasco  MC-31



Nowadays, ICT has been part of our daily lives. Without ICT,  we can’t do things as easy as we want. But both ICT  has a positive and negative impact to us. Let us know what is the impact of ICT in our society, lifestyle, work and governance.



  1. Easy to access an information, using mobile phones or computers we can get information as easy as we want.
  2. Faster speed in communicating to other people even they are too far from us.
  3. Saves our time, we can email or message the people we wanted to talk, or using skype to see them on our mobile phones or laptop.
  4. We can see a news in different websites, updated on what happened to our surroundings.
  5. Entertain ourselves using youtube, Instagram, FB, etc.


  1. Copy/Paste the idea of other people in google or other websites.
  2. Abusing the use of technology
  3. Focused on their gadgets than to their books.
  4. Can’t sleep properly because of mobile phones, laptop or other gadgets.



  1. Developing the communication to other people.
  2. We can announce in a large number of people, like in our community we can send an announcement through a use of radio, or send an email.
  3.  Entertainment that can use with your friends like online games.


  1. Disseminating a wrong information, that leads to a misinterpretation.
  2. Cyberbullying, some people don’t want to go out because some people talk about them on social media sites
  3. Posting some pictures or thoughts that can embarrass someone
  4. They choose to use the cell phone or gadgets than to be with their family.



  1. It makes our work easier by the use of hardware devices such as xerox machine, computer, printer and of curse telephone.
  2. The access of finding a job through the use of technologies are easy.
  3. Receiving your salary is more convenient because you can get it through credit card.


  1. Some companies use technology or machines that can do better than humans and don’t need employee anymore.
  2. Some technology device contains high watts per hour, the tendency of this can affect to the salary of the employee.



  1. We can get information about international news through technology
  2. Can disseminate collect information specially the issues in our country by the use of technology.
  3. Improvement of security


  1. Confidential files and sites might be hacked.

Image result for positive effect of technology in education

Positive effects of ICT:

  • Faster communication speed, the capability of broadband, pocket wifi or modem in your houses can access a good connection speed and by that thing communicating to other people gets easier and more convenient.
  • We can share emails, or documents instantly.
  • It saves our time in very inexpensive way
  • Almost all data can store in the digital form
  • Improved access to education, for me it’s a new way to develop our learnings using mobile or computers we can search any information we want to get.
  • Security access to fingerprints, it is very helpful for us that no one can open our files or mobile phone if we use that kind of security
  • Develop our knowledge to the new things especially in using technology
  • Visual education is more convenient to gain more knowledge

Image result for negative impact of technology

Image result for negative impact of technologyNegative effects of ICT:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Avoid reading books
  • more likely want to stay in the house than to have a face to face communication
  • lack of sleep
  • abused the use of an internet
  • they use social media sites to degrade someone
  • reduce personal interaction






images get from google.


The use of Software and Hardware

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 Jewel Angela E. Velasco MC-31


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With the use of software and hardware, everything turns to an easy access to everything we want to do.

 The software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer, the applications, websites or programs we use on our mobile phone or laptop are software. and hardware the invariable part, or in short it is the physical aspects of computer and other related devices.


Chrome Cleanup Tool-It helps me to keep safe my desktop to any suspicious program and it can secure my files to getting unwanted programs to crash my files, documents or other downloadable things in the computer.

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DropBox– This software is useful for backup files it can secure my files in getting viruses and back up my photos and documents automatically from my phone and desktop and get to all my files anywhere I want.

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GMAIL-This software is very amusing when sending emails to anyone, this kind of application that I quite often use helps me to get easily in touched to my assignments and activities. It also works for updating any bills in Meralco, Pldt or other companies.

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Microsoft Office– Microsoft office is very useful, especially in school works. When I need to make a report there’s a Microsoft presentation that I can use, if i need to do an assignments, thesis or activity there’s a Microsoft word that i can also use, in making a newspaper or magazine we can use the publisher. This kind of software is very important in our daily lives especially to a student like me.

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Google – I always use this kind of software, i want to understand some things that i didn’t easily get or search some poems, ideas on my assignment, get some picture and google some place i want to know where exactly it is.Google is the most useful searching sites in the whole universe because some works we search on this sites gives us a satisfying answer. 

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Flashdrive – A very useful device that could store our important files, like a thesis, paper works, projects, assignments, activity, etc. it can also transfer data to the computer, these handy pocket-size drives are needed especially to a student like me.

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Laptop/Computer- In this generation most of the teenager need this device,  laptop or computer for typing documents we need, we also listen to music on youtube or to watch the movie in movie sites, we also make our assignments or edit picture and films. By the use of this device, we can do many things that will satisfy us. We can also communicate to our relatives, friends or classmates, multi-tasking will do when we use laptop/computer like while typing our assignments we can also listen to music.

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Printer – The function of a printer is to turn digital data into printed media. This could be text, or it could be graphic output. Students often use this device because most of them are doing a paper works that need in their school. it is very efficient to use because before we know that we can only pass our assignment by writing it but now in the easiest way we can print out that digital data we want to turn it into printed media.

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DSLR Camera – For me, as a mass comm student, this camera is very useful. In my course, i need to capture things that connected to my courses like doing 20 elements in capturing things or person. This camera is also used for interviewing some personalities in media or capturing things I’ve done as a student. I can also use this camera for recording an especial event or for covering news.

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Projector – Many teachers find chalkboards to be almost a thing of the past with the advent of projectors in the classroom. Rather than writing notes across a board, teachers can make use of PowerPoint presentations, images and even film as teaching tools through the use of projectors. Consequently, teachers and students alike find projectors to be useful classroom devices.

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ASSIGNMENT #1 (A deep understanding in ICT) 

​Name: Jewel Angela E. Velasco                 Prof. Divine Reyes-Caraecle                                       Nov.24,2016


1. In your own understanding, how will you define:

a. Information – In my own insight, Information is used to give a right track of data or info to the people.  By having information people may focus on what happen to their surroundings, also the information help to expand the knowledge of the people, the huge impact of information can lead to an increase in understanding and decrease in vagueness. Information is valuable because it can affect behavior, a decision, or an outcome. A piece of information is considered valueless if after receiving it, things remain unchanged.

 b. Communication – It is clearly define as the exchanging of information, for me it is a process where people need to communicate to gain information. Naturally the process of communicating needs a sender, message, receivers and the feedback. However, the other procedure of communicating doesn’t have a feedback. It is important to communicate because it is a process of sending and receiving information among people. Humans communicate with others not only by face-to-face communication, but also by giving information via the Internet and printed products such as books and newspapers. Many people believe that the significance of communication is like the importance of breathing.

c. Technology – Nowadays, Technology are very useful it just in one click you can disseminate any information. Technology has changed the way we interact and communicate with other.  With the increased use of social based networks, people can create new relationships and also discover old friends. With technology, parents can communicate and keep track of their children. So communication has become easier and cheaper.  Technology is developed by people to modify their environment.

2. How the three (Information, Communication, Technology) are inter-related?

Technology has advanced to the point where instant communication anywhere in the world is an everyday fact of life. There’s no question that technology has improved, but also it has had a positive impact on communication as a whole in many ways. That’s why getting information is very easy, just open your phone and turn on the Wi-Fi you can get info and you can also communicate. Information, communication and technology interrelated to each other because it has increased the reliability of sending messages to others, made it easier to meet new people and keep in touch with friends and also saved lives. In my own insight, they improve technology to be more convenient in communicating and in receiving information.

3. Why the transition to Knowledge Society is important? What do you think are the disadvantages?

Knowledge and information are interpreted as strategic resources of knowledge society. It is important because it is exchanging of knowledge or connecting to other people, it brings out how you can communicate to your society or build a relationship to them. We communicate to get information, having a connection with other people to get information are also factors that can affect the society, it will increase your ability to think and learn more. But there’s always  disadvantage of it, we can’t find out if the information we get is right. Sometimes we need to critic if its right or wrong because it can affect of large number of people. Some information may lead to a wrong action.


