Sen. JV Ejercito want to encourage the President to pass the Bill of Free Higher Education Act, “I’m one of the Principal author of the Free Higher Education Act. I would rather spend P100 billion for education than we are now spending P77 billion for conditional cash transfer, 4Ps. Eh sa akin kahit anong anggulo mo tignan, DOLE out yan eh” lamented Sen. Ejercito.

Under the proposed measure, CHED is mandated to manage and administer an SUC Tuition Subsidy Fund that will be made available to SUCs that will comply with requirements set by the law, Filipino students currently enrolled or will enroll in SUCs can get the full tuition subsidy upon meeting the admission requirements of the state university or college, in recent years, CHED has expressed its reservations about the policy, saying a tuition-free policy will likely lead to a massive exodus of students from private higher education institutions to SUCs.

“I am hoping the president would sign this, wag naman sanang i-veto because this would not look good” Sen. Ejercito said.

They only have a little chance to convince the president to sign the bill, it will benefited the students who are deserving to get free tuition. In spite of that, student need to maintain their grades in order to get a zero tuition fee, this bill is for those students who is willing to study hard for their near future.

Lawmakers expressed confidence, that there were enough room and funds in the proposed 2018 national budget to fund a newly-signed law that would provide free tuition for students in 112 state universities and colleges.

Education is one the key in order to get a wonderful future, as what Sen. Ejercito said, “Mas malaking tsansa na mas mapaganda mo yung kalidad ng buhay ng pamilya mo” believing that education is the investment of knowledge that will pay your achievments everyday.

They’re still trying to convince Pres. Duterte to approve this Bill, this bill could help a lot of students who deserve to get education for free, not everyone is blessed to get a good school for education, this bill will be the solution for those students who want to go to school even they don’t have a lots of money to get learnings.

The real intention of this bill is to give a chance for those students who are willing to give their best in their study, if you’re not willing to give your best then you can’t get a free tuition to what school you would like to belong.

Sec. Diokno, who opposed the bill admitted that the government cannot shoulder the estimated budget requirements of the bill.

The tertiary education is only 12%, despite that the congress and senators are still hoping that they can get a big chance to prove that education will always be the first step to success.


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